Weapons of Mass Creation: You, Me, Us
Like many of us who are deeply uneasy about the outcome of the elections, I have struggled to find a way to express it. Yes, democracy prevailed, and the votes are in, but I'm having a hard time accepting this new state of affairs-I doubt I ever will, andI'm still sorting through my emotions so if this post seems sort of disorganized, this is why. As uncomfortable as I am with things, I won't accept them. I will refrain from bashing, name calling, etc. it's not called for now.And I don't mean to soapbox nor am I here to whine. It's not me. I do believe that that most of those that voted for Trump are good people. And those that are committing acts of violence against people and property in Trump's name? Well, I can't turn a blind eye, and I can't say it doesn't frighten me. And my fear is not influenced by any right/left wing media outlet-mongering. It's my conscience telling me-this isn't right! So, what do we do? What do I do? Well, as easy as seems to shrug, hide, hang with only like minded folks and remain quiet, for me personally, I can't. My conscience won't let me. One thing that this election did highlight was the lack of communication in this country. The lack of listening, hearing. So, maybe we can start there. As deeply divided as we are right now, we can wade through the bullshit towards one and start talking and listening. We can speak from a place of understanding, of being informed and effort. Wether it's standing up for someone being harassed, or trying to communicate with someone that doesn't share your viewpoint, communication is so essential now more than ever! So, what do we do? What do I do? Support each other. The next four years, are going to be as hard, or as easy as w make it, so let's support each other. Maybe start locally. Support your city councillors, mayors. Know a great teacher or administrator? Support them. Go to that bake sale/car wash/school bazaar. Do your business with small business owners. Go support local musicians, theatre groups. This is just off the top of my head...we can be and do so much! Violence, vitriol, ignorance doesn't stand a chance against an 'army' of informed, intentioned, supportive compassionate people. So, what will I do? See the image above? Those objects represent me, as a photographer, writer, citizen. It's the way I communicate, and will continue to be so. My hope too, is that I can do some good with what I've been given. This is how I will face my unease and fear- by being a 'weapon of mass creation.' (whoever coined that phrase is a wise soul!). Art, literature, humor, music, these span cultural, religious and any other boundary we put in the way. I don't intend to stop doing what I do, and I won't stop other people either. We need each other.
I'll end this with one last thought taken from our own Pledge of Allegiance:
With Liberty and Justice For All
(not for some-we can't cherry pick guys, it's there in black and white)
Let this be our mantra for the next four years. Repeat it, stand behind it, and stand together.
Thanks for reading!
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