
Photographers, artists, and any creative person, really-we all have our own eye, and while it may be influenced by someone else, I think we all strive to have our own style.  My eye is still drawn to lines, angles, and anything architectural, but a new element has come into my work-solitary subjects, and  abandoned things. Many photographers shoot these elements almost to point of being cliche, but for me it's a bit new, which excites me! It means something is happening with my eye, what I'm not sure, but the exploration is all part of the process. So is shooting the same old lines, forms, angles, etc. As my painter friend (who has been painting the female torso for years) was advised-do it until it's gone from your system. Sage advice! So, I will do just that, just keep shooting.....and here are a few images I've done lately


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