Local Edibles- Stone and Skillet

Recently, I treated myself to a rare brunch at one of my favorite places, Lincoln Tavern in South Boston. I had the Eggs Benedict (amazing!), and while the dish as a whole was fantastic, what made it for me were the english muffins that held every wonderful bite until the end. And I do believe that those muffins were from Boston based bakery Stone and Skillet. It was a bit difficult for me to find background information, what I do know is that Stone and Skillet were founded by Dan and Kyle several years ago and have become a hit. You can find them at area Whole Foods, and in addition to the original variety that I tasted at brunch, they make whole grain, garlic herb and pumpkin spice (and yes, I've had them all!). To me, they're a cross between a biscuit and English muffin, meaning there are less nook and crannies. Soft, doughy and sturdy, they're a bit better for sandwiches and pizzas than those "other" muffins, but that's just my opinion (and my stomach agrees). And so, with my last Stone and Skillet garlic herb muffin hanging out in the freezer, I made this simple breakfast sandwich. Thank you Dan and Kyle for updating a traditional recipe while keeping it simple, local and so delicious!


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